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Vecchio 21-02-2018, 08:51   #3
paolo leoni
Senior Member
L'avatar di paolo leoni
Data Registrazione: Jul 2009
Località: Bologna, zona stadio, 50m s.l.m.
Età: 35
Messaggi: 3.951
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Spesso troppo trascurati, i radiosondaggi sono fondamentali per capire "con che cosa abbiamo a che fare":
alle 00:00 di oggi la colonna d'aria era fantastica! Con precipitazioni deboli/moderate la neve arriva tranquillamente alle prime pianure (Bologna, Modena, Reggio, Parma, etc.. comprese)
    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1008.0     11    2.2    2.2    100   4.47    305      3  274.7  287.0  275.5
 1000.0     76    3.6   -0.1     77   3.81    345      5  276.8  287.4  277.4
  989.0    166    4.0   -1.0     70   3.61     21      8  278.0  288.2  278.6
  980.0    240    3.5   -1.5     70   3.50     50     10  278.2  288.1  278.8
  925.0    706    0.0   -4.9     70   2.88     55     20  279.3  287.6  279.8
  872.0   1174   -3.7   -6.8     79   2.63     55     38  280.2  287.8  280.6
  850.0   1376   -5.3   -7.7     83   2.53     55     28  280.6  287.9  281.0
  829.0   1572   -7.1   -8.1     93   2.52     59     24  280.7  288.0  281.1
  765.0   2196  -10.5  -10.7     98   2.22     73     10  283.5  290.1  283.9
  733.0   2524  -12.0  -13.0     92   1.93     80      3  285.3  291.1  285.7
  700.0   2877  -13.7  -15.5     86   1.64    110      6  287.3  292.3  287.6
  624.0   3736  -19.5  -22.8     75   0.99    100     18  290.3  293.4  290.4
  597.0   4067  -21.7  -25.6     71   0.80     88     17  291.4  294.0  291.5
  578.0   4303  -23.1  -26.1     77   0.79     80     16  292.4  295.0  292.6
  550.0   4665  -25.3  -26.8     87   0.78    115     10  294.1  296.6  294.2
  542.0   4772  -25.9  -27.0     90   0.78    116     11  294.5  297.1  294.7
  533.0   4893  -26.7  -27.5     93   0.75    117     12  295.0  297.5  295.1
  500.0   5350  -30.5  -32.1     86   0.52    120     15  295.8  297.6  295.9
  459.0   5943  -35.6  -37.1     86   0.35    120     12  296.7  297.9  296.8
  437.0   6283  -38.6  -40.0     87   0.27    145     12  297.2  298.1  297.2
  412.0   6691  -42.1  -43.4     87   0.20    149     14  297.7  298.4  297.7
  408.0   6757  -42.7  -46.2     68   0.15    149     14  297.7  298.3  297.8
  405.0   6807  -43.1  -44.2     89   0.19    150     15  297.8  298.5  297.9
  402.0   6857  -43.5  -47.6     64   0.13    150     15  297.9  298.4  298.0
  400.0   6890  -43.9  -46.7     74   0.14    150     14  297.9  298.4  297.9
  396.0   6958  -44.1  -44.8     93   0.18    140     13  298.4  299.1  298.5
  391.0   7043  -43.7  -52.7     36   0.07    140     17  300.1  300.3  300.1
  389.0   7078  -43.8  -54.1     31   0.06    140     18  300.4  300.7  300.4
  385.0   7147  -43.9  -56.9     22   0.05    138     14  301.1  301.3  301.1
  380.0   7235  -44.0  -59.3     17   0.03    135     10  302.1  302.2  302.1
  371.0   7396  -44.2  -63.6     10   0.02    100      6  303.9  304.0  303.9
  359.0   7618  -44.5  -69.5      4   0.01     65      8  306.4  306.4  306.4
  341.0   7962  -44.8  -70.1      4   0.01     10     11  310.5  310.5  310.5
  324.0   8305  -45.2  -70.8      4   0.01     20     13  314.6  314.6  314.6
  311.0   8579  -45.5  -71.3      4   0.01     10     20  317.9  317.9  317.9
  300.0   8820  -45.7  -71.7      4   0.01     15     14  320.8  320.9  320.8
  292.0   8998  -45.9  -72.6      3   0.01    345     15  323.1  323.1  323.1
  250.0  10020  -46.7  -77.7      2   0.00    355     25  336.5  336.5  336.5
  227.0  10660  -46.9  -78.7      1   0.00    350     23  345.6  345.7  345.6
  200.0  11500  -47.1  -80.1      1   0.00     10     23  358.0  358.0  358.0
  198.0  11566  -46.9  -79.9      1   0.00      4     22  359.4  359.4  359.4
  192.0  11768  -47.1  -80.1      1   0.00    345     19  362.1  362.2  362.1
  171.0  12529  -48.1  -81.1      1   0.00    355     15  372.8  372.8  372.8
  167.0  12685  -48.2  -81.2      1   0.00      0     20  375.0  375.1  375.0
  150.0  13390  -49.1  -82.1      1   0.00    345     23  385.2  385.3  385.2
  149.0  13434  -49.1  -82.1      1   0.00    345     24  386.0  386.0  386.0
  147.0  13522  -49.1  -82.1      1   0.00    350     25  387.4  387.5  387.4
  130.0  14328  -49.3  -82.3      1   0.00     20     15  401.1  401.1  401.1
  128.0  14429  -49.3  -82.3      1   0.00      0     11  402.8  402.8  402.8
  126.0  14533  -49.3  -82.3      1   0.00    345     13  404.6  404.6  404.6
  125.0  14585  -49.3  -82.3      1   0.00    342     13  405.5  405.5  405.5
  120.0  14850  -50.4  -82.8      1   0.00    325     16  408.3  408.3  408.3
  108.0  15534  -53.1  -84.1      1   0.00    355     17  415.6  415.6  415.6
  100.0  16030  -53.1  -85.1      1   0.00    355     20  424.9  424.9  424.9
   97.0  16225  -53.4  -85.2      1   0.00      0     13  428.0  428.0  428.0
   91.0  16633  -54.0  -85.5      1   0.00    330     10  434.6  434.6  434.6
   89.0  16775  -54.3  -85.6      1   0.00    335      8  436.9  436.9  436.9
   84.0  17145  -54.9  -85.9      1   0.00      0     21  443.0  443.0  443.0
   82.0  17299  -55.1  -86.0      1   0.00      5     16  445.5  445.6  445.5
   77.0  17701  -55.7  -86.3      1   0.00    345     10  452.3  452.3  452.3
   76.0  17784  -55.9  -86.3      1   0.00    355     10  453.7  453.7  453.7
   70.0  18310  -56.7  -86.7      1   0.00    325      2  462.7  462.8  462.7
   69.0  18401  -56.8  -86.8      1   0.00    335      1  464.5  464.5  464.5
   62.0  19077  -57.3  -87.3      1   0.00    320     10  477.8  477.8  477.8
   61.9  19087  -57.3  -87.3      1   0.00    321     10  477.9  478.0  477.9
   57.0  19612  -53.8  -85.6      1   0.00     20     10  497.2  497.3  497.2
   56.3  19690  -53.3  -85.3      1   0.00     17     10  500.2  500.2  500.2
   50.0  20450  -54.9  -85.9      1   0.00    345      6  513.7  513.7  513.7
   48.0  20710  -55.2  -86.0      1   0.01    330     10  519.1  519.1  519.1
   47.0  20844  -55.3  -86.1      1   0.01    340     16  521.9  521.9  521.9
   46.0  20980  -55.4  -86.1      1   0.01    345     15  524.8  524.8  524.8
   44.0  21263  -55.7  -86.3      1   0.01     40     12  530.8  530.8  530.8
   43.0  21410  -55.9  -86.3      1   0.01     15     10  533.9  533.9  533.9
   40.0  21870  -56.3  -86.5      1   0.01      0      0  543.9  543.9  543.9
   38.0  22196  -56.7  -86.7      1   0.01     70      4  551.1  551.1  551.1
   37.8  22230  -56.7  -86.7      1   0.01                551.8  551.9  551.8
Station information and sounding indices
                             Station number: 16144
                           Observation time: 180221/0000
                           Station latitude: 44.65
                          Station longitude: 11.61
                          Station elevation: 11.0
                            Showalter index: 7.28
                               Lifted index: 7.39
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 7.42
                                SWEAT index: 70.98
                                    K index: 15.70
                         Cross totals index: 22.80
                      Vertical totals index: 25.20
                        Totals totals index: 48.00
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 270.71
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 912.71
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 277.89
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 3.53
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5274.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 10.67
Bologna, Via Piave, 50m s.l.m. ---> Sito meteo della Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura di Bologna ---> Sito meteo nazionale
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